KT said: "You go on ahead." Rose and pulled my hand, "I'm sorry, you met this one to tell you something embarrassing, man Yeah, there are strange problems. Really sorry." She smiled, very polite. I hastened to say it does not matter. She was very sorry to go back to a rest room. I asked KT: "She knew I was Ayu's friend?" KT said: "I think do not know michael kors inc, there is no need." I looked at KT, he has every idea, very determined and decisive way, I think God, I am pretty good luck, the East West hit the break, I actually met such a person really be my good fortune. Yes, KT is not a world-class figure, but I am having the same Yes, ah, he not say I had to do, so now they respect me, it got too hard, he is a reliable person. Woman for a man, but a point of reliability required. Now you can rely on, the future can rely on. That's all. I looked at KT, if you really marry such a person michael kors crossbody bags, the face is also very decent, I was a most vulgar person, I do not want to marry a strange man, but two people live together hatch, my husband must be Like treasures general, you can always remove the bright, KT is really good, very suitable for my vanity of woman. Husband is a proud woman, a woman married a shady husband, what's the use? KT's family, character, knowledge, are decent, I age, the age is not looking for a boyfriend cheap uggs for kids, he said, use their brains to find the object, right? Stay like this is not a way to ah. Seeing to graduate, graduate unemployment is equal to the same, dark green rope around the head did not find a job like chaos, it is better to marry a man, woman can go home the family line, creating what the cause ah. My name in here secretly thinking, KT thought I was in fear for Ayu. In fact, I was a scumbag, do to the critical juncture is for the sake of their own. Where someone else! This thing called human nature. KT said; "how do you? Not a word." "I think women are useless wretch." "But how?" "They are always the life of a man turn around." KT laughed, "You saw the cloudy, and he looks good, a woman naturally around him, so not necessarily all of them men, and some bachelor's done a lifetime." "And you?" I asked him. KT said: "I? Half and half you, but my choice is very strict, I was a selfish, vulgar person michael kors wedge, my wife, was to bring out is, can the scenes, I do not intend to love and seclusion, I No matter how that man was born, unless it is dead, or somehow in the Red and roll, I want a decent girl looks are learning, two of us side by side into the world, dedication and have trouble with when I can do a baffling woman, blessing came michael kors petites, she put the eat well, mahjong playing music. disaster came, she first sat there crying, I was not any crazy, What do you want to find a burden of this life? not recruit people over criticism : so and so's wife did not know like what I am not so free and easy, I care about what others say, so I had to choose carefully. " "You chose me?" I asked. "Yes, I chose you, I am a selfish person, I declare the first place, you are in line with my request, Ava. And I do, I will try to do it, so I meet your requirements." "You are a sensible person, great position." I said. KT smile, "love can be blind, but was a fool's reputation, marriage blindly, it becomes a plague born, I will have to plan carefully for themselves." I smile, "rare you think highly of me." "I think everyone should be honest, Ava, so in the future you do not complain about my crazy pursuit of you." I still smile. He is really honest, I think mind it not be with him, but I did not say it, why say it? What are the benefits?


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