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Does not matter, Xiang Yu massacre more, only one army, frightened come from?" Xiao Stern said: "covering Qi is also unknown! Xiang Yu massacre, had all the residue off, has been notorious in the world, and even the grandson are afraid of the courage and cunning thief, not allowed to enter the Guanzhong. covering To become a major event, if the follow Xiang Yu, will also defeated! "Liu suddenly frowned:" There is so powerful it? "next to Zhang nodded and said:" Xiao Xiong is justified gucci usa outlet shoulder bags, after our army massacre in Ying Yang once again enter the customs in the massacre, I'm afraid a great troubles. Xiang Yu massacre gucci outlet, also covering up the massacre and if Xiang Yu, covering doomed to failure. " Liu forehead sweat oozed suddenly, rubbed his hands twice rapid turn: "The two gentlemen said, I'd understand. Can be a lot of stragglers, let him rob and kill, to keep man? Mother, troubled times treat the person, really hard! "Xiao said:" As long as the heart that means covering up firm, own the whole Army of the law. covering a small profit if the figure heads, since the massacre to be laissez-faire. "Liu said, frowning faint smile:" You said, I am willing to massacre? rations as long as you can keep their wealth and goods, I was way, otherwise, is that you break the big day, after all, regardless of use. so I can not become empty camp, do birds covering up bald! "Xiao said:" There people, have the wealth and goods forage. lost people, sooner or later are empty camp. "array of red front white face Liu, Xiao pointed nose fixing authorities merely shouted:" Well you Xiao! forced me to LIU Ji with this group of thick goods brothers fell out gucci bags outlet! good! I hear you! I did not have money to eat and drink, I find you! total wind fails you drink dignitaries fart defecate! "fixing authorities merely to call strike, Liu launched a gust of wind flew out of camp. 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Wang Bi and Lao Xiongdi who had at Mount Dangshan Pirates do flow past year, his mother killed people so! to rob and kill, to Tibet to carry on so! called even? this cheer three dog care! your dog is the only travel, but also rely on several portals not! not throw a bone to you people, you are not a dead dog! you Cheap UGGsin kill a soldier, not a soldier, and not killed you! want in the future not to be killed, indiscriminate killing people today will say nothing! today no hidden virtue, uncertain future graves have been dug up! said today, today, into the arms off and who is his mother ordered the massacre? Fan Kuai! was that you ArticleTitle # 4825! quasi you a Goucai! you kill a dog butcher was not enough, but also into the city to kill! dog audacity you! come! win Fan Kuai! hit meal big stick! " ?

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