"there is such a thing?" I can not help laughing. "How not?" Sister staring at me, "Father what age? Are fifty-nine, he also married, simply hit the fox, we do not make early plans, really want to feel the burn?" I am stunned, "fox thing ... ... I read about in the novel, this is really ..." I rubbed his hands. Sister sighed snow goggles, "I see Well, we do not have older sisters headache in this matter, the emperor is not urgent eunuch genuine emergency, our brothers and almost as an idiot." "You want me how?" I asked, "to find a Taoist Mao Shan magic brings, and that fox fight to the bitter end, to force her to show the prototype?" "At least you can go back to daddy to go around, so every year you go home dad, Do not you know this decade, you keep excuses him, but also for what?" "I think more for me living in foreign countries." "Do you have any grudges with the money?" "I'm not missing anything," I said, "I'm self-sufficient uggs usa sale kids, I am very happy." "But dad's career quickly went to fall into the hands of others." "Sister, I do not care, it is dad's business, not our business, I came to this world, not for my dad's career, this far with him ten years ago, I have said clearly, but also He has been understanding. I the cause oakley frogskins, not necessarily inherited by the son to go, outside there are many talented and promising young people who are able to do my father's a good helper. dad this year uggs sale discount, aged 59, he can still find him love woman, one thing is really very happy, I rejoice for him, "I stop," As the woman is a fox, we do not have to worry about him, as long as he happy. " Little sister sneer again and again, "Listen to the filial son so sensible." "The two sisters and I know you is good for me," I said, "In this matter, I asked myself is very open-minded, and you do not have to worry about me." Miss she said Tuesday: "You know we two is for Hello, we share, has already folded a dowry." I was embarrassed: "I want money why? People need a lot of money, own property because there is nothing more than crazy - must take all bought it, put Haiti heap Hill plot at home and I do not think so, as I like the painting, ran galleries, anyway, after the death of Bacheng also donated to the museum to go, hurry for decades, why too much trouble. " "Mad monk." Sister called me. I said: "I say good-bye oakley snow goggles, do not go there even more harsh words to criticize me." "You open the car for several hours, tired enough, a few nights to rest here?" "You promise not to bother me enough." I grimace. "Good, good." Sister laugh, "how do you even have a girlfriend or not?" "I am homosexual, you do not know?" "Fart!" "Home so two aunt, told me where to find good people to marry the daughter?" I tease. Sister inquiries by telling her, "This kid, so after a lifetime on." Miss she said Tuesday: "You do not see him Fengfengdiandian, and others this is called a gentleman expansive, long sad villain than we." I went upstairs. I shake the phone to Oxford to find Zhuang Guodong. Lao is my colleague. He is a man a little bit eccentric, and I still talk to. I told him to come to London, "a holiday anyway, you do a boring in the dormitory?" "I'm too lazy to drive." "Then I'm going suffocated in here you come, we can also go fishing together." He said: "Japanese fishing night fishing, you are not tired." Voices muffled. "You Come," I told him the address, "my two sisters, although Xuniangbanlao comes in a little charm save, if you fancy, you eat with no worries about the second half." "Epicenter, you are all the more humorous of the." "Immediately go out at night to see you, bye." "Well, goodbye." He hung up the phone. Little sister come into the room, "That is accurate? You and your younger sister to take a joke, I tear your mouth sooner or later." "It was Zhuangguo Dong," I said, "my colleagues." "Oh, is that you said, divorced his wife after photos of prison after a decade of that person?" "Yes, it is him," I laughed, "He really is a photo over a decade in prison, but not his wife, is another woman."

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