Twenty-five chapters Wuhun power device (in) Since Zhu Zhuqing to Lake College, the Dai Bai Mu has been suppressed their own, tolerated her, this time, has always been cold, and arrogant he could no longer suppress his anger, "you have nothing to say." Zhu Zhuqing management are ignored, not only did not stop ugg boot discount, but also to accelerate the pace of the previous line. "You " Meng Mu Bai Dai raised his right hand, a strong white light in the palm of throughput, not what he has always been a good temper, or his temper than anyone irritable. However, he refrained, after all, did not pocket the white flash, like a mouth breathing uttered Tigers, behind this with the Zhu Zhuqing go in the direction toward the college. Small dance blinked, whispered to the Tang asked: "This is how they are going?" Don shook his head, "I do not know from day of registration of the situation, Dai Mu Bai Zhu Zhuqing previously should not know of. Zhuzhu Qing He seems to be somewhat different. Is it really just because they Wuhun with the integration of technology with the possibility to launch? Well, we do not control people's private affairs as well. " Small dance raising his hand touched the chest in the Tang, Tang, she was shocked, "What are you doing?" Small reddish eyes dance, "still painful it? Are for me, you just injured." Tang discount ugg boots, this wake up, she was referring to his injury. Smiled and shook his head, "all right ugg boot discount happy to meet a few days, brother, I can not so weak, let's go, we will soon catch up to, they almost go out of sight." When Tang returned to Lake College, a pedestrian, when the college was surprised to see outside the gate of two people. Good evening moonlight, moonlight, they immediately recognized the Oscar is waiting here, and Ning Rongrong. Ning Rongrong looks sentiment has returned to normal, pretty little face again to put a gentle smile. Sitting in front of a large stone College, shaking his legs, a pensive look. The Oscar's face is a bit ugly, brow Wei Zhou, steal a glance from time to time to see Ning Rongrong, the eyes reveal a somewhat unwilling to light. Zhu Zhuqing like they did not like to see directly into the college, went straight away to their living quarters. Mu Bai Dai frowned, evil Mouzhong to chill a little more powerful. "What are you doing here?" Dai Bai Mu evil Mouzhong light flashing ugg boot discount if you win, coldly. Ning Rongrong jumped down from the stone. "Of course, in the other you. How do you come back so late? President and fat it?" Dai Bai Mu coldly retorted, "they something you figured out? To stay or leave?" Ning Rongrong said without hesitation: "Of course the left. So fun to place, how can I say stay away. What do you look. You zombies do? Is not clear where the embroidery being beaten up? Ha ha, What you said Oscar loss Lover level master, even a little girl get it working. " The liberation of the nature of Ning Rongrong no longer hide behind anything, she grew extremely intelligent, Mu from wearing white face to see a lot of things, not shy of the fun of it. Dai Bai Mu evil Mouzhong coldness Sheng, "Ning Rongrong Do not provoke my patience here is Lake College. Not your home. Qibao glass you were afraid someone else, I can be afraid of wearing Mu Bai. Angered me. Carefully I put you raped and murdered, raped and then scrapping. " Ning Rongrong hehe smile, said: "I am afraid ah!" Quite deliberately not developed a very small breasts. "Come on Let me see how you rape me." "You " Dai Mu Bai finally stifled himself to anger, White Tiger does not get angry, you really had to take me as sick cats. Strong momentum suddenly surging, soul power bursts, Ning Rongrong's body almost instantaneously ���� to fly out. Oscar hurriedly stepped forward, the Ning Rongrong catch, but he was a momentum hit bottom fell to the ground. ?

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